Friday, March 28, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

LR 1016-1 Verification of the Complaint

The affidavit or declaration verifying a complaint which includes a prayer for process under Supplemental Rule C, if made by a person who does not have personal knowledge of the facts alleged as grounds for the claim, must state the circumstances making it necessary for that person to make the verification and must also state the source of that person's information.

LR 1016-2 Process

A warrant of arrest issued by the clerk pursuant to Supplemental Rule C will state on its face that the right exists to an order to show cause and hearing as described in LR 1017.

Amendment History LR 1016
March 1, 2017
LR 1016-1 Added "or declaration" after "affidavit" and corrected spelling of "complaint."