Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Mailing Address

Mark O. Hatfield United States Courthouse
1000 Southwest Third Avenue, Room 1227
Portland, Oregon 97204-2942

Contact Information

  • Chambers: 503-326-8390
  • Courtroom Deputy:  / 503-326-8057
  • Proposed Document Submissions: 
    The e-mail address at this link is available for the receipt of submitted jury instructions and proposed forms of orders per LR 5 only and may not be used to submit filings. Unauthorized correspondence will be deleted.

Curriculum Vitae

Résumé - Judge You

Rule 16 Conferences

Judge You sets Rule 16 conferences after all defendants have answered. The parties should be prepared to discuss scheduling at the Rule 16 conference. Prior to the conference, the parties shall consult with each other pursuant to Rule 26(f).


Judge You handles discovery matters informally and discourages formal motions to compel, which take extra time and resources to resolve. If the parties have a discovery dispute, they should jointly email Courtroom Deputy Trish Hunt at the e-mail address above, and the matter will be quickly set for a telephonic hearing.

If the parties anticipate they will need the Judge You’s assistance in resolving a deposition dispute, they should contact Ms. Hunt and advise her of the upcoming deposition date and time to confirm Judge You's availability.

Requests for Extension

If the parties need an extension of the case deadlines, they should file a written motion for continuance after conferring with each other. It is unnecessary to present a proposed written order with the motion. However, the parties should perform the calculations and provide the dates for the proposed deadlines, rather than a time period (e.g., 60 days).

Motion Hearings

Judge You does not automatically schedule oral argument when a motion has been filed. The parties will be contacted if, after reviewing the briefing, Judge You believes oral argument will be helpful in resolving the motion. See LR 7(d).

Exhibits to Briefing

All exhibits filed in support of motions or other briefing that are submitted as attachments to a declaration should be filed as separate, individual exhibits such that the exhibits receive a unique sub-number identifier in CM-ECF. For example, if the motion is entered as ECF 50, exhibits should be separately attached so that they are Exhibit 1 (ECF 50-1), Exhibit 2 (ECF 50-2), etc.  

Judge’s Copies

Judge You waives Local Rule 5-8 and does not require courtesy paper copies of any documents filed in the case.  Also, it is unnecessary to separately email the judge (or otherwise provide digital copies) of any briefing that has been filed.  The parties should note that the rule is not waived for documents filed in Judge You’s cases if those documents will be considered by another judge (unless that judge similarly waives the rule).

Pro Se Parties

Parties proceeding pro se (representing yourself without a lawyer) should refer to the District of Oregon's Handbook for Self-Represented Parties for helpful information.

Pro Hac Vice Counsel

Attorneys admitted pro hac vice and their Oregon counsel should read and be familiar with the court's Local Rules and with "The Integral Role of Local Counsel in the District of Oregon," Federal Bar Association, Oregon Chapter newsletter, Summer 2013.

Decorum and Professionalism

Attorneys and parties shall conduct themselves with decorum and civility. This is primarily for their own benefit: jurors, courtroom staff, and public observers consistently state that they prefer a civil and collegial relationship between opposing parties and counsel. All attorneys, including pro hac vice counsel, shall be familiar with and comply with the Statement of Professionalism.

Settlement Conferences

Any parties interested in scheduling a settlement conference with Judge You may contact the courtroom deputy directly at the e-mail address above. Judge You does not require a written settlement conference memorandum, and prefers to speak confidentially by telephone with each parties’ counsel prior to the settlement conference date. Absent exceptional circumstances, settlement conferences are scheduled for a half day.

Trial Procedures

Evidence will be provided to the jury through the Jury Evidence Recording System (JERS). Therefore, all exhibits must be presented for use through JERS. Courtesy copies of exhibits for Judge You shall also be submitted through electronic format, either via email, thumb drive, or cloud storage method.

Plaintiff’s exhibits shall be numbered from 1 to 100 and defendant’s exhibits shall be numbered from 101 to 200. If either side intends to offer more than 100 exhibits, the parties shall confer and suggest an alternative numbering system.

In advance of trial, the parties may contact the courtroom deputy for assistance in learning how to use the courtroom's video displays or if they have other questions regarding the technology available in the courtroom.

Additional trial procedures will be discussed with the parties in advance of trial.

Wireless Communication Devices and Recording Prohibited

Pursuant to LR 83-14, wireless communication devices must be placed in silent mode while in the courthouse. No proceedings may be recorded; recording devices may not be used at anytime in the courthouse or in any court proceedings conducted remotely using telephone conferencing, video conferencing, or any other form of electronic communication.

Law Clerk Hiring

Judge You advertises for law clerk vacancies on OSCAR. Typically, if any openings arise, they are advertised in December/January for the following August/September.