Sunday, March 02, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

The U.S. District Court Pro Bono Program has been certified by the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund (PLF). Certification by the PLF allows pro bono participation to be covered under the PLF. This coverage applies to the activities of volunteer attorneys who provide legal services on cases to which they are appointed through the Pro Bono Program, who do not otherwise have PLF coverage.

The District of Oregon's pro bono panel is also certified by the Oregon State Bar. Hours spent representing individuals in Federal Court in Oregon now count toward Pro Bono Challenge, Honor Roll, and other OSB-sponsored programs. Attorneys are asked to track their hours spent on pro bono activities. An annual reporting form is available below.

If you have any questions regarding the Pro Bono Panel, please send an e-mail to or call (503) 326-8014. If you'd like to apply for inclusion on the Panel, download the application below.

Pro Bono Service in the District

Civil litigants may apply for pro bono representation by filing a Motion for Appointment of Pro Bono Counsel in an active case, or the Court may order appointment of a pro bono attorney at its own discretion. The appointment may be for all purposes or for any other Court-specified purpose (such as representation in alternative dispute resolution proceedings). Please review the Public Program Procedures for more information.

Attorneys may apply for reimbursement of out-of-pocket expenses incurred during a pro bono appointment by filing a Motion for Reimbursement for Out-of-Pocket Expenses with the Court. Current expense limits and other information related to policies is available in the Court's Pro Bono Representation Program Procedures.

In addition to individual attorneys, the following law firms have agreed to provide pro bono representation to litigants:

  • Barran Liebman, LLP
  • Broer & Passannante, PS
  • Cosgrave Vergeer Kester, LLP
  • Davis Wright Tremaine, LLP
  • Foster Garvey, PC
  • Henkels Law, LLC
  • HLP Law, PC
  • Klarquist Sparkman, LLP
  • Lane Powell, PC
  • Law Offices of Daniel Snyder
  • LeDuc Montgomery
  • Lindsay Hart, LLP
  • Markowitz Herbold, PC
  • Miller Nash Graham & Dunn, LLP
  • Perkins Coie, LLP
  • Snell & Wilmer, LLP
  • Steven Law Firm, LLC
  • Stoel Rives, LLP
  • Stoll Berne
  • Sussman Shank, LLP
  • Tonkon Torp, LLP
  • Williams Castner

Attorneys or law firms wishing to be added to the Pro Bono Representation Panel should send their completed Pro Bono Application to Participate by e-mail to  or by fax to (503) 326-8441.

Pro Bono Resources for Oregon Lawyers

Visit for a comprehensive list of resources that may be available to you, including law student and paralegal assistance, in-court reporting and interpreting services, telephone interpreter services, and strategies for representing pro bono clients.

Pro Bono Program Forms