Sunday, March 30, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

The United States District Court for the District of Oregon uses CM/ECF and PACER to facilitate electronic filing, service, and access to court records. CM/ECF contains the official court records of proceedings. The Court no longer maintains paper files.

As a non-prisoner self-represented party, you may apply for a CM/ECF user account that will allow you to file documents electronically with the Court and to receive electronic service via e-mail of filings in your case.

Consent to Electronic Service

Electronic service means that all filings will be served in electronic format called  a Notice of Electronic Filing (NEF) via e-mail that contains a link to the filing.

Applying to e-file constitutes consent to receive electronic service. If your application is granted, you may not opt out of electronic service.

By default parties requesting to e-file opt in to electronic service. Accordingly, if your application to e-file is denied, you will not receive paper copies of any filings in your case unless you specifically request to opt out of receiving electronic service on denial of the application by checking the opt-out box when you apply.


You must review the CM/ECF User Manual and complete the Application to Register for CMECF as Self-Represented Party . CM/ECF must be used in conjunction with the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, the Local Rules of Civil Procedure, and the administrative orders and policies of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon.


Registering to e-file in your case is a two-step process. First, you must have permission from the judge on your case to e-file. You must complete this step for each case in which you would like to e-file. After you receive permission, you must then set up your account. NOTE:  Having your application to e-file granted alone will not allow e-filing. You must set up an account as well.

Requesting Permission to E-file in Your Case




To request permission from the judge to e-file in your case, complete the Application to Register for CMECF as Self-Represented Party .


Submit the application by clicking the "Submit by E-mail" button or attach the application to an e-mail message addressed to with the subject line "Self-Represented Party Application for CM/ECF Registration."


Court staff will docket the application in your case, and you will receive an NEF.


The judge assigned to your case will enter an order granting or denying the application. You will receive notice of the order via NEF. If the application is denied, no further action is necessary. You will submit paper filings by mail, at a Clerk’s Office intake counter, or by using a drop box. If the application is granted, proceed to the next section to set up your filing account.

Setting up Your Account for Filing

Unlike requesting permission, this step only needs to be completed once, not for each case. If you have already set up an e-filing account, you should so indicate on the application and skip this step.




If you do not already have a PACER account, see Register for an Account on the PACER website, and follow the instructions for NextGen Courts.


After creating your PACER account, follow the instructions in the CM/ECF User Manual, Section 3: Submitting a Registration Request in PACER to request a CM/ECF filing account that will be linked to your PACER account. Be sure to include your case number where indicated, so the Clerk's Office knows which case in which you wish to e-file.


After the Clerk's Office receives your registration request, your account will typically be activated within one business day, allowing you to e-file in your case.