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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Appendix A - Civil Event List

Initial Pleadings and Service

Complaints and Petitions

Amended Complaint
Amended Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (2241)
Amended Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus (2254)
Complaint - Intervener
Complaint - Social Security
Complaint - Third Party
Motion to Vacate/Set Aside/Correct - 2255
Notice of Removal
Petition - INS Denial of Citizenship
Petition - Writ of Habeas Corpus (2241)
Petition - Writ of Habeas Corpus (2254)
Petition - Enforce IRS Summons
Supplemental Complaint

Other Case Initiating Documents

Bankruptcy Adversary Proceeding
Bankruptcy Appeal
Complaint for Limitation/Exoneration of Liability

Service and Process Documents

Acceptance/Acknowledgment of Service
Acceptance/Acknowledgment of Service 2241
Acceptance/Acknowledgment of Service 2254
Acceptance/Acknowledgment of Service - Immigration Habeas
Affidavit of Service
Certificate of Service
Clerk's Notice of Mailing
Notice of Lawsuit and Request for Waiver
Process Receipt and Return (Treasury)
Proof of Publication
Proposed Summons
Return of Service (USM 285) Executed

Return of Service (USM 285) Executed - USA
Return of Service (USM 285) Unexecuted
Return of Service by Publication
Summons Issued
Summons Issued - Social Security USA
Summons Returned Executed
Summons Returned Executed - USA
Summons Returned Unexecuted
Waiver of Service Summons
Waiver of Service Unexecuted
Warrant Issued
Warrant Returned Executed
Warrant Returned Unexecuted
Writ Issued (Generic)
Writ Returned (Generic)
Writ of Execution Issued
Writ of Execution Returned
Writ of Garnishment Issued
Writ of Garnishment Returned
Writ of Habeas Corpus ad Testificandum Executed
Writ of Habeas Corpus ad Testificandum Issued
Writ of Habeas Corpus ad Testificandum Unexecuted

Answers to Complaints

These events will not appear on a drop-down list. They execute based upon the type of complaint filed.

Other Answers

Answer to Writ of Garnishment
Bankruptcy Appellants Brief
Bankruptcy Appellants Reply Brief
Bankruptcy Appellees Brief
Debtor Response to Clerks Notice of Garnishment
Objections to Answer to Writ
Pro Bono Appointment Response Form
Response to Objections to Magistrate Judge's Order
Response to Order to Show Cause
Social Security Answer after Remand and 

Administrative Record
Social Security Defendants Brief
Social Security Plaintiffs Brief
Social Security Plaintiffs Reply Brief
Withdrawal of Claim

Motions and Related Filings

Motions (See Appendix C)

Responses and Replies

0ex1 - Ex Parte Docket Entry & Document ONLY (use with other selection)
0ex2 - Ex Parte Document ONLY (use with other selection)
0seal - Seal Entry & Document ONLY use with other selection
Affidavit in Opposition to Motion
Memorandum in Opposition
Objections to Bill of Costs
Objections to Findings & Recommendation
Objections to Magistrate Judges Order
Reply to Motion
Response in Opposition to Motion
Response to Concise Statement of Material Fact
Response to Discovery Motion
Response to Motion
Response to Objection to Findings & Recommendation
Sur-Reply to Motion
Sur-Response to Motion

Other Supporting Documents

0ex1 - Ex Parte Docket Entry & Document ONLY (use with other selection)
0ex2 - Ex Parte Document ONLY (use with other selection)
0seal - Seal Entry & Document ONLY use with other selection
Affidavit in Support of Motion
Brief in Support of Petition
Certificate of Compliance
Concise Statement of Material Fact
Memorandum in Support
Memorandum in Support of Motion

Other Filings

ADR Documents

Joint Alternate Dispute Report
Request for Trial de Novo

Discovery Documents

Fed R Civ P 26 Agreement
Notice to Take Deposition


Acceptance with Offer of Judgment
Address Change
Application for Writ of Execution
Application for Writ of Garnishment
Attorney Appearance
Attorney Association
Attorney Substitution
Certification of US Attorney
Dismissal of Party
Intent to File Capital Habeas Petition
Joinder Notice
Lis Pendens
Notice of Intent [to] Engage in Voluntary Settlement Procedures
Notice of Intent to Redact Transcript
Notice of Lodging of the Administrative Record
Settlement Notice
Settlement of Redaction of Transcript – FRCP 5.2
Voluntary Dismissal of Case
Withdrawal of Attorney
Withdrawal of Notice of Intent to Redact Transcript

Trial Documents

Clerks List of Exhibits & Witnesses
Designation of Deposition Testimony
Exhibit List
Expert Statement
Instructions to the Jury

Jury Instructions Proposed
Jury Notes
Jury Notes Unredacted
Jury Verdict
Jury Verdict Form – Proposed
Jury Verdict Unredacted
Objection to Trial Exhibit
Proposed Voir Dire Questions
Statement of Claims or Case or Special Damages
Trial Brief
Trial Memorandum
Witness List
Witness Statement

Appeal Documents

Appeal Record Returned
Appeal Record Sent to USCA
Appeal of Magistrate Judge Decision to District Court Judge
Bill of Costs – Ruled on by USCA
Certificate of Record by Clerk to USCA
Fee Paid
Mandate of USCANotice of Appeal
Notice of Appeal - Preliminary Injunction
Notification of Appeal Sent to USCA
Order Granting Permission to Appeal
Order of Dismissal of Appeal by USCA
Referral Notice
Representation Statement
Supersedeas Bond
Supplemental Record Sent to USCA
Transcript Designation and Order Form
Transcript of Proceedings
Transcript of Proceedings - REDACTED
Transcript of Proceedings – UNDER SEAL
USCA – Clerk Order Filed: Prisoner Authorization Form
USCA Case Number
USCA Judgment
USCA Memorandum/Opinion
USCA Order
Writ of Certiorari Issued - Supreme Court

Other Documents

0ex1 - Ex Parte Docket Entry & Document ONLY (use with other selection)
0ex2 - Ex Parte Document ONLY (use with other selection)
0seal - Seal Entry & Document ONLY use with other selection
Administrative Record
Administrative Record - Social Security
Amicus Curiae Appearance
Answer to Interrogatories
Application for Special Admission Pro Hac Vice
Application for Stay of Execution
Collateral Received
Collateral Returned
Concise Statement
Consent to Join
Corporate Disclosure Statement
Filing Fee Received
Financial Affidavit
Joint Status Report
Jury Demand
Notice of Levy - USM
Offer of Judgment
Petition to Perpetuate Testimony
Prisoner Trust Fund Account Statement
Proposed Findings of Fact
Proposed Order or Judgment
Proposed Pretrial Order - Individual
Proposed Pretrial Order - Joint
Redacted Document
Redaction Index
Request for Admissions
Request for Production of Documents
Request for Refund of Fees Paid Electronically
Request for Three Judge Court
RICO Statement
Settlement Agreement
Status Report
Transcript Designation and Order Form
Transcript of Proceedings
Transcript of Proceedings - REDACTED
Transcript of Proceedings – UNDER SEAL
Transcript of State Court Proceedings