Friday, March 28, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Enter the party name exactly as listed on the case-initiating document (excluding only the words "The," "A," or "An" when preceding the name of a party). Use punctuation when it is part of the actual name (e.g., the apostrophe in O'Malley or Dave's Diner). Include hyphens in the last name or first name field when necessary (e.g., Rodriguez-Sanchez). Remove spaces in a last name (e.g., last names beginning with Mac or Mc or MC).

Example 1
Dr. Harry A O'Malley IV

Last Name: O'Malley
First Name: Harry
Middle Name: A.
Generation: IV
Title: Dr.

Example 2
Harry O Mc Cord

Last Name: McCord (remove the space between the c's)
First Name: Harry
Middle initial: O.
Insert any additional party text information included in the pleading caption into the Party Text field.

(a) Individual Persons

Enter the full last name, full first name, middle name (or initial), and generation (for example: Jr., Sr., II, etc.) into the designated fields. Use the Title field for designations such as Officer, Sergeant, or Executor. Additional information may also be added in the Party Text field, such as the words: Individually or in their official capacity, or Incorporated in the State of STATE NAME. Do not insert address information for non-pro se litigants.

(b) Corporations

Enter the full and complete name as referenced in the pleading in the last name field only. Exclude from entry of a corporate name any leading "The."

The Integrated Global Systems Company

Last Name: Integrated Global Systems Company
(remove the leading word "The")

(c) Unions

The last name field is to be the full name of the union or trust, with the Local number or "Trustees of"  in the first name field. Where Trustees are also identified in the complaint in their official capacity, the individual names are to be entered into the party text field for the Trust. Where a Trustee is identified as a separate party, he/she must be entered as an individual, separate party.

Example 1
Plumbers and Pipefitters, Local 359

Last Name: Plumbers and Pipefitters
First Name: Local 359
Party Text: blank
Displayed as: Local 359 Plumbers and Pipefitters

Example 2
Electrical Union Health and Welfare Pension Trust

Last Name: Electrical Union Health and Welfare Pension Trust
First Name: Trustees of
Party Text: John Doe, Richard Roe, Mary Smith, Sally Jones, Trustees
Displayed as: Trustees of Electrical Union Health and Welfare Pension Trust, John Doe, Richard Roe, Mary Smith, Sally Jones, Trustees

Example 3
International Brotherhood of Carpenters Local 25

Last Name: International Brotherhood of Carpenters
First Name: Local 25
Not Local 25, IBC

(d) Indian Tribes

Enter "Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Nation," not "Umatilla Confederated Tribes."

(e) Governmental Entities

  1. Federal Agencies: Enter the agency name (e.g., U.S. Department of the Interior), instead of the name of the agency head (e.g., Ken Salazar), unless that person is being sued in his/her individual capacity.

    Example 1
    Secretary Ken Salazar, U.S. Department of Interior

    Last Name: U.S. Department of Interior
    Party Text: Secretary Ken Salazar

    Example 2:
    When the Secretary is also being sued in his individual capacity enter:

    Last Name: Salazar 
    First Name: Ken
    Title: Secretary
    Party Text: Department of Interior, in his individual capacity

  2. States, Cities, Towns, and Counties: Enter the key words City of CITY NAME in the last name field. However, if the litigant is a department or agency for that state or city, drop the words "State of" or "City of" from the last name field and start the last name field with the name of the state or city.

    Example 1
    City of Portland Water District

    Last Name: Portland Water District

    Example 2
    City of Portland

    Last Name: City of Portland
    Not Portland, City of

    Example 3
    Office of Services to Children and Families for the State of Oregon

    Last Name: Oregon Office of Services to Children and Families

(f) Personal Property

Enter the item as listed in the pleading. Enter further description of the item, such as registration numbers, color, year, make, or model in the Party Text field.

  1. Vehicles: Enter the vehicle as identified on the complaint.

    1989 Chrysler New Yorker, VIN 325678765445

    Last Name: 1989 Chrysler New Yorker
    Party Text: VIN 325678765445

  2. Currency: Enter currency as listed on the complaint. Enter the $ symbol with the dollar amount. Use comma(s) and decimal points. Following the amount, in parentheses, place the type of currency (e.g., (U.S.) for U.S. dollars), if known.

    $14,669.42 in US Currency

    Last Name: $14,669.43 (U.S.)

(g) Real Property

Use the street address if available. Start the last name field with the street address followed by the city and then the state abbreviation.

15993 SW Happy Valley Lane, Portland, Oregon,99832 real property with buildings, appurtenances and improvements

Last Name: 15993 SW Happy Valley Lane, Portland, OR, 99832
Party Text: real property with appurtenances and improvements

If the street address is not included, use the real property legal description, starting with the county where the land is situated. Insert the name of the state where the land is located in the party text field. Skip inserting the words "more or less" in the party descriptions.

Follow this hierarchy when entering the legal description of the property:

  1. County
  2. Number of Acres of Land
  3. Tax ID number
  4. Lot Number
  5. Block Number

Example 1
2.40 Acres of Land more or less in Clackamas County, Oregon, Tax Lot 1993939

Last Name: Clackamas County 2.40 Acres of Land
Party Text: Tax Lot 1993939 in the State of Oregon

Example 2
Lot 1, Block 23, 4 Acres of land more or less in the State of Oregon, Multnomah County

Last Name: Multnomah County 4 Acres of Land
Party Text: Lot 1 Block 23 in the State of Oregon

(h) John Doe(s) / Jane Doe(s)

  • If the last name of the party is known but not the first name, enter/create the party by the last name only. See Example 1.
  • If a first name is known but not the last name, the party record should be entered as specified in Example 2.
  • If both the first and last name are unknown, enter the party as a "John Doe" or "Jane Doe." See Example 3.
  • If the pleading identifies many unknown parties (e.g., John Does 1-5), then add the descriptor (1-5) in the party text for the party record of "John Doe" or "Jane Doe." See Example 4.
  • If there is a unique descriptor about any of multiple John Does (e.g., Sergeant-in-Charge), create a separate party.

Example 1:
? Smith

Last Name: Smith
First name: Leave blank

Example 2:
Sally ?

Last Name: Doe
First Name: Sally

Example 3:
Both first and last names unknown

Last Name: Doe
First Name: John

Example 4:
Multiple unknown parties

Last Name: Doe
First Name: John
Party text: 1-5

At such time as a "Doe" party is identified in the case, a termination date should be entered for the "Doe" party and a new party record created for the named party.

(i) Estates

If the party is regarding the estate of a person, insert "Estate of" in the last name field.

Estate of Dorothy Drew

Last Name: Estate of Dorothy Drew
First Name: Leave Blank
Party Text: Deceased

(j) Guardian Ad Litem

If the party is represented by a guardian ad litem, the guardian should be entered as the party. The person who is the subject of the guardianship should be entered the party text field.

John Doe, Guardian ad litem for Jane Doe

Last Name: Doe
First Name: John
Party Text: Guardian Ad Litem for Jane Doe