Thursday, March 13, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

The Utility menu includes the following options for registered users:


  • Court Information: View CM/ECF technical information, the link to the Court's RSS feed, the physical addresses and hours of operation for each divisional office, PACER contact information, and public case flag definitions.
  • Links to Other Courts: opens a popup to the PACER court locator page.
  • PACER Case Locator (National Index): opens a popup to the PACER case locator page.

Your Account

  • Bar Admission: Attorneys admitted after January 21, 2020, may view their admission status for the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon or pay their admissions application fee1.  See 'Paying the Admissions Fee'.
  • Change Client Code: Redirects to PACER for the purpose of changing the session's client code.
  • Change PACER Exemption Status (CJA): Allows CJA attorneys to toggle their fee exempt status.
  • Change Your Login or Password: Redirects to PACER account maintenance.
  • Change Your Role: Allows attorneys that have one PACER account linked to multiple CM/ECF accounts to toggle among CM/ECF accounts. Attorneys needing this arrangement should contact the Court for more information.
  • Internet Payment History: Lists fee payments made within CM/ECF.
  • Maintain Your Account: View the registered user's name, address, telephone and fax numbers, set the default for viewing PDF headers on documents, and view attorney admissions documents (if available). There are also links to access e-mail address maintenance and CM/ECF account information, and a link back to PACER account maintenance to edit other contact information. See 'Maintaining Mailing Addresses'.
  • Review Billing History: Redirects to PACER billing history.
  • Update Your E-mail Address: View the user's primary e-mail address and add secondary e-mail addresses for noticing in the District of Oregon. See 'How to Configure Noticing'.
  • View Your Transaction Log: Run a report of CM/ECF transactions by date.


  • Mailing Information for a Case: View the recipient list for a case.
  • Mailing Labels for a Case: Generate a list of mailing addresses for some or all case participants.