Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Events in this category are to be used in connection with all motion category events. The user should select the most appropriate event and then further describe the pleading in the docket text box. Following are some Response and Reply events of special note:

(a) Objections and Responses to Bill of Costs, and Findings and Recommendations

Cost bills and Findings and Recommendations are treated as motions; consequently, the objection and response events to these documents are located on the Responses and Replies menu.

(b) Responses to Discovery Motions (See LR 26-3(c))

These events do not set a reply date.

(c) Linking

When filing a response or reply to a motion, the user is prompted to select the subject motion to create the link automatically. The response and reply are to be linked to the subject motion. Where appropriate, the system will also schedule the reply due date upon the filing of the response.