Thursday, February 27, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

After all necessary data has been entered, the parties must be entered into CM/ECF to complete the case opening process. This is done via the participant tree, which divides the screen in half. The right side of the screen is used to add parties while the left side shows parties that have already been added.


To add a party:

NOTE: Clicking the back button on your browser while adding parties will delete all party information previously entered.
Type the last name of the individual or the full name of the corporate entity into the Last/Business Name field. You must type a minimum of three letters to begin your search. image067
Click Search. Scroll through the search results to find the party you wish to add. Click on the name to highlight the party and use the Select Party button to add them to the left side of the participant tree. image069
NOTE: If the name of your party does not appear in the search results, you may click Create New Party to add a new name. DO NOT create a new party if any name in the list matches the name of the party for whom you are searching.

Party information screen:

After a name is selected from the search results or a new party is created, the party information screen appears. This screen is used to select the role type of the party being added. It is very important to select the correct role type on this screen from the drop-down menu.* The role types are listed in alphabetical order, and the default selection is Amicus. A complete list of role types is below. image071
*NOTE: When filing a petition, the correct role types are Petitioner and Respondent.






Consol Claimant

Consol Counter Claimant

Consol Counter Defendant

Consol Cross Claimant

Consol Cross Defendant

Consol Defendant

Consol Plaintiff

Consol Third Party Defendant

Counter Claimant

Counter Defendant


Cross Claimant

Cross Defendant





Fourth Party Defendant

Fourth Party Plaintiff


In Re

Interested Non-Party

Interested Party



Intervenor Defendant

Intervenor Plaintiff

Material Witness



Notice Party






Special Master


Third Party Defendant

Third Party Plaintiff


The Title field may be used for designations and their abbreviations, including Officer, Sergeant, Executor, and Doctor. image073
The Pro se box defaults to No and should not be modified. This status is updated when the party makes an appearance. image075
The Start date defaults to the date the party is being added to the case. Do not modify this field. image077
The Notice drop-down defaults to yes. Do not modify this field. image079
The Party text field is used to include additional information, including phrases like Individually or in their official capacity, or Incorporated in the State of Delaware.  image081
DO NOT add address or e-mail information for parties. This information will be added when the party makes an appearance in the case. image083

Completion of Party Information Entry:

Click Add Party after entry of the necessary information. image085
This adds the party to the participant tree on the left side of the screen, indicating that the party is now a case participant. image087
Click Add New Party to add each new party to the case. image089

Participant tree icons:

The participant tree has icons available to add additional information for each party. image091
The icons are defined as follows:
image093 Delete this party from this case.
image095 Add new alias, corporate parent, or attorney.
image097 Copy attorney(s) from other parties in the case to this party.
image099 Edit the party, alias, corporate parent, or attorney.
image101 Change the name of the party.
NOTE: The + and – icons located next to each participant name expand or collapse the information available. image103

Adding an alias:

Click on the add person icon image095next to Alias in the participant tree. image106
Type the last name of the individual or the full name of the corporate entity into the Last/Business Name field. You must type a minimum of three letters to begin your search. Click Search. Scroll through the search results to find the party you wish to add. image108
Click on the name to highlight the party and click Select Alias. image110
NOTE: If the name of your party does not appear in the search results, you may click Create New Alias to add a new name. DO NOT create a new party if any name in the list matches the name of the party for which you are searching.
You must select an alias type* then click Add Alias. image112
*This is the complete list of all available alias translations in CM/ECF.

agent = agent of

aka = also known as

dba = doing business as

fdba = formerly doing business as

fka = formerly known as

nee = born

obo = on behalf of

rpi = real party in interest

ta = trading as

The alias is added to the participant tree. image114

Adding a corporate parent or other affiliate:

Click on the add person iconimage095 next to Corporate Parent in the participant tree. image116
Type the name of a corporate entity into the Last/Business Name field. You must type a minimum of three letters to begin your search. Click Search. Scroll through the search results to find the party you wish to add. image118
Click on the name to highlight the party and click Select Corporate Parent. image120
NOTE: If the name of your party does not appear in the search results, you may click Create New Corporate Parent to add a new name. DO NOT create a new party if any name in the list matches the name of the party for whom you are searching.
You must select a corporate parent type from one of the two selections: (1) Corporate Parent or (2) Other Affiliate. Corporate Parent is the more common selection. image122
After selecting the correct corporate parent type, click Add Corporate Parent. image124
The corporate parent is added to the participant tree. image126
REMEMBER: You are also required to file a Corporate Disclosure Statement that provides the above information.

Adding an attorney:

NOTE: When filing a Complaint, add yourself and any additional attorneys from your firm as counsel for the plaintiff. Even if you know the name of defendant's counsel, do not enter counsel information. Defendant's counsel must make an appearance to be added as counsel of record. When filing a Notice of Removal, add all counsel of record as they appear in the state court case.
Click on the add person icon image095next to Attorney in the participant tree. image128
To search for an attorney, enter the Oregon Bar ID or the last name of the attorney into the Last/Business Name field. You must type a minimum of three letters to begin your search. Click Search. Scroll through the search results to find the attorney you wish to add. image130
NOTE: If the name of the attorney you are searching for does not appear in the search results, DO NOT create a new attorney. Contact an attorney admissions clerk, and they will determine if the attorney may be added.
Click on the name to highlight the attorney and click Select Attorney. image132
The attorney information screen appears. Review the attorney information to ensure that the correct attorney is being added then click Add Attorney. image134
NOTE: DO NOT make changes to an attorney's account on this screen. Changes to these fields should only be made by the Registered User from the Maintain User Account section.
The attorney is added to the participant tree. Repeat this process to add additional attorneys for case participants as necessary. image136

Copying an attorney:

Use the copy icon image097 to add a previously added attorney to another case participant. image138
Clicking the copy icon will show a list of previously added attorneys. Select the attorney you wish to associate with the new party by checking the box next to their name and then click Copy Attorneys. image140
If there are multiple attorneys to associate with the new party, you may check the box for each attorney and then click Copy Attorneys.
NOTE: In new civil cases, DO NOT add attorneys for defendants. In removal cases, all attorneys who have made an appearance in state court may be added.

Create Case:

After all the case participant information has been entered, click Create Case. image142
A confirmation message will appear in the center of your screen. If you have not completed adding all parties, click No and you will be returned to the add new party screen. Otherwise click Yes to continue. image144
The next screen will indicate the assigned case number. If you are ready to file a civil complaint or notice of removal, click Docket Lead Event. image146
NOTE: The case is not opened until the Complaint, Petition, or Notice of Removal has been docketed and the filing fee has been paid, unless you are exempted from the fee or are filing an application for leave to proceed in forma pauperis.