Friday, March 28, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Jurisdiction (Section II):

There are 4 options, corresponding with section II of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image011

U.S. Government Plaintiff

U.S. Government Defendant

Federal Question


NOTE: If Diversity is selected as the jurisdiction, you will be required to complete the citizenship fields for both the plaintiff and defendant located in the center of the screen. This information is located in Section III of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). Please refer to the Citizenship section below for further instruction.

Citizenship (Section III):

This information is located in section III of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image015
These fields should only be populated if 4 (Diversity) was selected in the jurisdiction field. image017

Nature of Suit (NOS) Codes (Section IV):

This information is located in section IV of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image019
The drop-down menu includes all NOS codes listed on the Civil Cover Sheet. There are two options to locate the correct NOS code. You may use the drop-down menu to see a full list of all available NOS codes, or you may type the three-digit NOS code in the filter field.




Origin (Section V):

This information is located in section V of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image025
The drop-down menu includes all origin options listed on the Civil Cover Sheet. Only option one and two should be selected, depending on the type of case being opened. The other options are reserved for use by court staff. image027
Original Proceeding: This is the correct selection for any new civil case that is not a notice of removal. image029
Removal from State Court: This is the correct selection for a notice of removal. image031

Cause of Action (Section VI):

This information is located in section VI of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image033

There are multiple options in the drop-down menu.

There are two options to locate the correct cause of action. You may use the drop-down menu to see a full list of all available causes of action, or you may begin typing in the filter field.

If you type in the filter field, CM/ECF will narrow the search based upon the information entered. You may also use the drop-down menu after narrowing your search for a narrowed list of causes of action. image039

Jury Demand (Section VII):

This information is located in section VII of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image041
Enter the party or parties requesting a jury trial. image043
REMEMBER: The words DEMAND FOR JURY TRIAL must be included on the last line of the document title of any jury demand instrument. LR 38.

Demand (Section VII):

This information is located in section VII of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image045
Enter the dollar amount demanded in this field. The dollar amount should be entered in thousands of dollars. For example, a demand of $250,000 should be entered as 250. image047

Class Action (Section VII):

This information is located in section VII of the Civil Cover Sheet (JS44). image049
Select y (Class Action Alleged) if your complaint includes a class action allegation. The class action box defaults to n (No Class Action Alleged). image051
REMEMBER: If you are alleging a class action in your case, you must also include the words CLASS ACTION ALLEGATION in your Complaint or Notice of Removal. See LR 23 for more information.