Friday, March 28, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

In the event that the Court declares the CM/ECF filing system to be unavailable for filing, the Clerk’s Office will post a Notice of CM/ECF System Outage on this website’s homepage to alert users to the outage. The Clerk's Office will also post a notice when CM/ECF returns to normal operation. Notices of scheduled outages for maintenance tasks will be posted in advance of the outage, and users should monitor this website for notices of scheduled outages. CM/ECF undergoes scheduled maintenance at 4 a.m. daily for approximately one hour.


  • System Outage: Any period lasting more than two hours during which CM/ECF is not operational due to scheduled or unscheduled maintenance.
  • Emergency Filings: Time-sensitive filings, such as filings due during the outage, filings nearing statute of limitations deadlines, requests for emergency injunctive relief, and notices of appeal.

E-Filing During an Outage

During a system outage, as defined above, registered users may submit emergency filings as defined above via e-mail to the following address: . Counsel or self-represented parties who are concerned about whether a filing must be submitted to the Clerk to ensure its timeliness should also submit the filing by e-mail during the outage.

Filing via e-mail will commence on the date and time stated in the Court’s Notice of CM/ECF System Outage and will end at the time the Court posts a notice that the system is operational, or, in the event of a scheduled outage, the stated end of the maintenance window. Any documents sent to this e-mail address outside of the time period identified in the Court's official notices will not be docketed by the Court.

PDF documents submitted via e-mail must conform to all current requirements as outlined in the Local Rules and the CM/ECF User Manual. Documents submitted via e-mail during the outage will be deemed filed upon the date received. They will be docketed by court staff as soon as practical after CM/ECF returns to normal operation.