Friday, March 28, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Navigate to The browser will be redirected to PACER. Enter valid PACER credentials and a client code, if necessary. Successful logins will be redirected back to CM/ECF.

The client code field is an optional field available on the login screen for PACER tracking purposes. Any client code is entered for a transaction will be reflected on the billing statement generated by the PACER Service Center.

Because CM/ECF is accessed with PACER credentials, user name and password maintenance must be done through PACER's lost username or lost password utilities or by contacting PACER directly. The user's e-mail address, in addition to either the account number or date of birth and first and last names, are required to reset a username or password in PACER. The Court is unable to reset a user's PACER username and password.