Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court




Case Management/Electronic Case Files.

CM/ECF NextGen

The latest version of CM/ECF, which introduced Central Sign-on (CSO).


Central Sign-on, a NextGen module that allows public users to access CM/ECF with their PACER credentials.

Division Codes

Venue codes assigned to the separate Divisional Offices of the Court. See LR 3-2.

  • Eugene: 6
  • Medford: 1
  • Portland: 3
  • Pendleton: 2

Docket Entry

A pleading, order, or other document entered on the docket sheet. Each entry includes a filing date, document number, and docket text. Supplemental docket text supplied by a filer will appear in italicized text. Docket entries are created by users selecting events from the available civil and criminal menus that most accurately describe the proceeding being recorded or document being filed.

Docket Sheet

The Court's permanent record of case filings and proceedings is referred to as the docket sheet. Docket sheet information for a case includes the names of the parties or litigants, attorney information, and general statistical data. Docket sheets also contain a chronological list of the pleadings and other documents filed in a case (docket entries).


Any pleading, motion, exhibit, declaration, affidavit, memorandum, order, notice, or other filing made part of the Court's record.

Fed. R. Civ. P.

Federal Rules of Civil Procedure

Fed. R. Crim. P.

Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure

File Size Limitation

The maximum upload size allowed for a single PDF, which is 75 MB.

Access Restricted to Counsel of Record and Case Participants

Access that restricts document viewing to a case's participants.


Local Rules of Civil Procedure


Notice of Electronic Filing, an e-mail notice delivered to case participants at the completion of filing.


Public Access to Court Electronic Records is an electronic public access gateway that allows anyone to obtain public case information, including docket sheets and documents, from any federal court. Registration for a PACER account is free, but there may be a fee associated with accessing case information.


Plaintiff(s), petitioner(s), defendant(s), respondents(s), or any other named participant in a case.


Portable Document Format, the file format that is used to store documents in CM/ECF.


Pacific Standard Time - refers to all hours stated in this manual including Standard or Daylight Savings, whichever is applicable.

Registered User

An attorney or pro se litigant who has been granted e-filing privileges in CM/ECF. See LR 1-5(l).

Remote Public Access

Access to view a document available via PACER. Access to electronic case files is available for all parties and the public at each divisional office of the Court during regular business hours. A copy fee for reproduction of an electronic document will be charged in accordance with the Schedule of Fees.

Schedule of Fees

A list of services provided by the Court and the fees associated with those services.