Friday, March 28, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Pursuant to LR 26-4(c), in civil matters, Registered Users are required to file documents authorized for filing under seal pursuant to an existing protective order via CM/ECF.

If a protective order is on the docket in a civil case, during the filing of certain events the user will be asked during if the document should be filed under seal pursuant to the protective order.

Selecting "Yes" will seal the document (not the docket entry). Selecting "No" will not seal the document.

At the final warning screen, the user will be able to see the Document Restricted According to Protective Order text indicating the PDF attached to the docket entry is sealed. Notice will issue, but the document will not be accessible via remote electronic access. 

Service of documents filed pursuant to a protective order must be completed outside of CM/ECF.