Wednesday, February 05, 2025

Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court


Admission of government attorneys to practice in the District of Oregon is governed by LR 83-4, which provides that attorneys who represent the United States, Indian treaty tribes, a state, or any agency of these sovereigns may appear in a case without having to comply with the requirements of LR 83-1(c) (fee payment) and LR 83-2 (membership in OSB). In addition, government attorneys are not required to attend an admissions ceremony or take the Oath of Admission.

PACER Request

To apply for admission as a government attorney, attorneys must complete the Attorney Admissions/E-file Request on the PACER website.




Navigate to, then click on Manage My Account at the top right corner of the screen and log in.


Select the Maintenance tab and click on the Attorney Admissions/E-File Registration link.


On the next screen, under "In what court do you want to practice," select "U.S. District Courts" for Court Type and "Oregon District Court – NextGen" for Court.  Click Next.


Under "What would you like to apply/register for?" click the Federal Attorney button.


Attorney Bar Information

State Bar Information:  Applicants must list a state bar to which they are admitted.


Delivery Method and Formatting:  Enter and confirm the e-mail address to which NEFs should be delivered.

For Email Frequency, select delivery per filing or daily summary report.

For Email Format, select "HTML"


Acknowledgment of Requirements and Procedures:  Review the Attorney E-Filing Terms and Conditions and the Local Court Policies and Procedures, check the boxes, then click Submit.

After the review of the applicant's request, the attorney will receive a determination from the Court via PACER that may be found by clicking E-File Registration/Maintenance History in the Maintenance tab under My Account. 

Attorneys Who Leave Government Service

Government attorney admission under LR 83-4 terminates when the attorney leaves government service. All government attorneys are required to notify the Clerk's Office if they leave government service.