The District of Oregon has received information that fake Notices of Electronic Filing (NEF) are circulating nationwide, including those that appear to originate with Oregon CM/ECF. If the recipient responds to the message, they are sent a follow-up email containing a link to access a document that leads the recipient to a malicious website.
The court would like to remind its users and the public that any e-mail that is not expected, encourages urgent action, or includes an attachment should be treated with caution, including e-mails purporting to be from the court. If in doubt, do not click any links or open any attachments, and verify the authenticity against the docket in PACER. The court does not send notifications to parties and attorneys that filings are due.
In addition, an official NEF from the District of Oregon CM/ECF system will always have the following characteristics:
- The subject line will be "Activity in Case [case number] [case title] [filing]"
- The message will be from
- Any links within will direct to
- The message will not be directly addressed to the recipient (recipients of NEFs are bcc'd)
- NEFs do not issue to individuals who are not already users of Oregon CM/ECF
- The NEF will not have any attachments
- The NEF will not include instructions for next steps, e.g. the filing of a response
- The NEF will include a list of all attorneys and parties to whom the NEF was also sent