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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

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Hon. Michael McShane, Chief Judge

Melissa Aubin, Clerk of Court

Contact Information

Jeffrey S. Merrick
PO Box 1158
Lake Oswego, OR 97035

Biographical Information

I defended civil litigation cases for the first eight years of practice. I represented mostly plaintiffs for another 25+ years. My law practice included employment law, personal injury, product liability, pharmaceutical product liability, medical and legal malpractice, construction, and many other topics (More detail at www.jeffmerrick.com).

In 2012, I began mediating.  I’ve served as a mediator in more than 150 cases. I believe mediators must have the humanity and skill to elicit, comprehend, and address the interests and needs of plaintiffs, defendants, and their counsel. I pride myself on persistence and the ability to work through impasse to encourage the parties to find resolution.

I study and practice mediation as an art and craft because a mediator cannot deploy the full array of mediator tools unless he or she knows them.

I follow the Oregon Mediation Association Standards of Practice and Guidelines, and I subscribe to the Oregon Rules of Professional Conduct.

Jeffrey S. Merrick Survey.pdf